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Day #61: Little Nemo and the Ostrich Tree

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated December 09, 1906:

Transcript of Tweets by @LitleNemo1905 (JULY 27, 2020):

So continues our Flip-centric revenge-is-a-dish-best-served-when-they-don't-know-it’s-coming series… - 1/14

Though there isn't much "action" to speak of in this strip, we get a couple of repeat technical performances that work really well: a) the transforming object, and b) the spectral transformation from Granny Hag to Rose (GH-R). - 2/14

This time, the transformation is from tree to ostrich and back again. It begins in panel 2; we can see the tree (closest to the right hyperframe) slowly transform as we cross into panels 3, 4, and 5. By panel 6, it is, again, a tree. - 3/14

I'll admit that I didn't catch the transformation on the first read through. When I got to panel 5 and saw the ostrich kick Flip, I wondered where the heck it'd come from… and so went back to clarify and discover how I'd missed this creatures appearance. - 4/14

Personally, I think it was because I was so focused on the GH-R transformation. I *really* enjoy the affect that it creates; the spectre hovering over the young girl demonstrates a unique juxtaposition/simultaneity in her character. - 5/14

And, the fact that it is occurring visually on the page while Flip's back is turned, implicates the reader in the trick. We know what's happening and we are simply observers to it. We don't (because we can’t) do anything else *but* watch… - 6/14

That, of course, is the point, I think. Because the GH-R transformation is occurring at the same time, maybe the intention is for us to miss the ostrich on the first read through and be required to go back to clarify… at least that's what I'm telling my unobservant self! - 7/14

Now, that said, the climax of these transformative moments is an interesting one on panel 4. At this point, Flip's "reality" is being completely toyed with… - 8/14

He thinks he's leaning on a tree… it's an ostrich. He thinks his playmate is a young girl… she's a Granny Hag. But he is so focused on arguing with the Princess, that he can't see what's right in front of him. - 9/14

Which, I like to think, is a perfect metaphor for Flip's behaviour in Slumberland more generally. - 10/14

My favourite moment of the entire strip though, is when Nemo and the Princess turn their backs and Nemo asks, "He does not know that she is a witch, does he?". Oh, Nemo… you're so innocent and sweet. - 11/14

Foreshadowing for the next strip is also established here. Remembering that this strip is intended for children, the rush of excitement knowing that Santa Clause would be gracing the pages of #LittleNemo next week, likely helped to encourage their return! - 12/14

So, though we have repetitive gags from the last strip, and there isn't a ton of action going on, I think that the strip still works well and has it's own charm. - 13/14

This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #61. What's yours? - 14/14


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