"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated August 15, 1926:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (DECEMBER 17, 2021):
It's nice to see that Slumberland tries to be inclusive of their Giant population… they have their own day to visit the beach that is just theirs! - 1/10
This is, probably (as the strip demonstrates), a safety issue for the… well, not-giant population. Panel 10 reveals that as the giant folk enter the water it pretty much floods everything else! - 2/10
But, flooding is one thing… being stomped on is another. - 3/10
As the Princess (?) reveals in panel 9, the giants "have the minds of babies," which I'm assuming is meant to suggest that they are impulsive and ego-driven, but it could also be an insult to intelligence? - 4/10
Clearly, their fun disrupts Flip's capitalist enterprise (hence why I lean towards the impulsive reading above), but it could go either way honestly. What do you all think? - 5/10
Speaking of Flip's hot dog cart… the hot "dog" joke in panel 3 is a tad bit dark for me… but it is a pretty low-hanging pun so
I can't blame McCay for using it, I suppose… - 6/10
Lastly, the penultimate panel sees Slivvers try to boot Impie off the hot dog cart in an attempt to "help the Princess." He says that Impie can swim back to shore. - 7/10
Why the heck doesn't he just swim? If he's being gentlemanly he should just dive in there and handle it himself! - 8/10
My anti-Slivvers bias continues… I find him so unlikable… How do you all think he would've been read by McCay's young, contemporary readers? Genuinely interested here. - 9/10
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #528. What's yours? - 10/10