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Day #516: Little Nemo and the Man-Eating Automobile

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated May 16, 1926:

Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (DECEMBER 02, 2021):

This is another repetitive strip (the same thing continues to happen over and over again, panel by panel), but I didn't hate it. - 1/10

Actually, I thought it was sort of interesting… the way that the characters are snapped up by this machine… the bite *looks* as though it would hurt (with those jagged teeth) and yet… no one complains. - 2/10

It seems as though Flip has a problem with Jay Walkers lately… according to the text on the man-eating automobile, it intends to "eat jay walkers and get fat." I mean… its admirable that he knows what he wants. - 3/10

Slivvers really has outdone himself this time with this impressive feat! Even though it isn't explicitly stated, I think we can surmise that Slivvers is the chief engineer of this device given his prowess (previously witnessed). - 4/10

Yet, Flip does (as it custom) seem to be in charge of actually using it… he gets a kick out of biting Pill and Figures near the end of the strip (even if he does wonder who continues to activate the biting mechanism). - 5/10

We have a cool example in panel 3 of more visualized thought balloon content. I don't think it works *as well* as some in the past, but it is most definitely clear about what it is trying to portray. - 6/10

We also have another example of Morpheus manipulating his size to seem more "human-like"… I mean, he is a god; he can do that. But I'm use to seeing him (and thinking about it) in much larger size. - 7/10

Again, this isn't new; we've seen it before (though, mostly during the McCay's time with Hearst at the NY American, if I recall…), so it isn't surprising. - 8/10

Of course, the real humour comes when Morpheus' massive car rams right into, and destroys, the man-eating automobile. A sad end to a pretty cool invention… maybe it can be put back together? - 9/10

This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #516. What's yours? - 10/10


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