"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated March 14, 1926:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (NOVEMBER 21, 2021):
I don't have much to say about the strip itself, but I do have a few observations that I thought were worth noting. - 1/7
First, it touching to see Flip's concern about the Princess in panel 1. It's another reminder of how much their relationship has grown over the years. - 2/7
I'm starting to really dislike Slivvers. He is unnecessarily rude to Impie and the way he puts his hands on him in panel 3 really irks me. - 3/7
If you notice, Nemo is just as off-balance as Impie is, but he doesn't get this violent reaction from Slivvers. - 4/7
The strip ends because of Flip's characteristic hubris; even though Slivvers tries to tell him he's blown it up too much, he doesn't listen and it pops. - 5/7
I was half-waiting for Flip to blame Impie for jumping, but that doesn't come in the penultimate panel. Instead, Nemo declares "Sliv was right." - 6/7
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #507. What's yours? - 7/7