"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated May 17, 1925:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (OCTOBER 7, 2021):
Well, it's a little later in the month than might be expected for the European holiday known as "May Day" (generally celebrated on May 1), the group is having a parade anyway! - 1/11
I immediately wonder if this was meant for earlier in the month and got delayed for some reason? There is such a lack of continuity between strips at this point in the series that no one would ever notice. - 2/11
The narrative is simple enough; the gang is invited to participate in the parade, Impie is distracted by Blutch, causing him to forget his role as co-carrier of the extraordinarily large bass drum, propelling Flip into the water for which he takes revenge. - 3/11
Both Nemo and Slivvers try to get Blutch to join the parade, but it seems as though he doesn't want to. This is what causes Impie's distraction. - 4/11
Impie, for his part, seems to have learned a little English of late (another reminder of the retcon that saw him gain the ability to speak and then lose it again) as he calls "poochee" after Blutch. - 5/11
Panels 6-8 must happen in fairly quick succession as the force needed to propel Flip into a roll towards the water vs. simply dropping the drum and having it crash to the ground is needed to complete the narrative. - 6/11
As is often the case, Flip reacts with anger and violence against Impie and Doctor Pill comments on how Flip's always cuasing trouble. - 7/11
There is nothing new here in this strip and, frankly, I find it a rather tiresome and repetitive. It's a new coat of paint on an old trick. - 8/11
The decline in this series' quality is becoming more noticeable each day. By that, I don't mean the craftsmanship (which remains pretty excellent), but the ideas are drying up and the magic that makes #LittleNemo special is much less noticeable. - 9/11
At least to me. What say all of you? - 10/11
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #463. What's yours? - 11/11