"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated April 05, 1925:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (OCTOBER 01, 2021):
Flip really is a Renaissance man! He's been a police officer, a circus performer, a Duke, and probably many other occupations that I can't recall at the moment! But today, he's become a dentist! - 1/11
He also seems to have developed a reputation already, as the Slumberlandian fellow brings the giant guard for a check-up to deal with his sore tooth! - 2/11
There really isn't much going on here in my opinion… we go panel to panel seeing attempts to remove the sore tooth that don't work until the dynamite is brought in. - 3/11
I'm not sure what to make of the giant closing his mouth on Flip and Slivvers… I mean… he came to them for help, so why trap them in his trap? Seems counterintuitive. - 4/11
I did find it somewhat funny watching the multiple attempts to take out the tooth to no avail… for instance, the gang hanging off the lever and pulling the rope got a chuckle from me. - 5/11
Of course, nothing compared to the penultimate panel and the destruction the dynamite causes… what sort of dentist uses dynamite?! I get he's a giant and all, but… oh, boy… - 6/11
It's also maybe too tidy of a destruction? I mean… look at the way the pillars come down in blocks. - 7/11
Seeing the giants teeth blown out of his mouth is simultaneously funny, but also quite sad… the poor guy lost a few more teeth than he anticipated, I think… putting trust in Flip might not have been the greatest idea here. - 8/11
What's worse is that most people don't even care! They're took concerned with Impie and making sure that he doesn’t do anything destructive with the sticks of dynamite he is left with. - 9/11
This is a strange strip… It isn't awful, but it is forgettable… I'm interested to hear what others think. - 10/11
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #457. What's yours? - 11/11