"In the Land of Wonderful Dreams" dated March 29, 1914:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (AUGUST 10, 2021):
I'm convinced that this strip is a simple re-introduction to some Slumberlandian characters that we haven't seen since the gang left for Lilliput! - 1/12
First up, we have the return of Splinters! The "wonderful kid" has built a wooden race cart that centres as the gag of the strip when he loses control of it. - 2/12
Nemo's insistence that he "not go too fast" at first is laughed off by Flip initially… until, of course, the cart refuses to do as it's told and runs amuck! - 3/12
At this point, we see the return of the Professor/Dancing Missionary character who is in quiet contemplation of Slumberlandian flowers with Doctor Pill. - 4/12
The entire second tier is dedicated to watching the pair get run over and left in the dust of the cart, which I genuinely found quite funny. - 5/12
By tier three, it's become clear that the cart is out of control, prompting Nemo and Impie to abandon cart! At first, Flip plans to remain with the vehicle but, as they approach the stone wall, he too jumps out! - 6/12
This leaves poor Splinters to smash into the wall inside the cart, thus ending the wooden cart's reign of terror… - 7/12
.@AlexxKay pointed this out yesterday, but it holds true for today's strip, as well… there really is nothing "surreal" about these events… it isn't unique to the dreamscape; this could happen in the waking world. - 8/12
I mean… "Paw Patrol" spends an entire episode teaching this EXACT lesson to kids in "Pups Pit Crew"; an early series episode where Alex loses control of his homemade trike because he wanted to go fast. - 9/12 [insert image]
… sorry, all… there's a lot of Paw Patrol on in my house… but, the point stands. - 10/12
Besides reminding us about the characters that we've been missing, there really is nothing special about this strip… heck, the Princess is barely even in it (sensing the danger, she follows alongside the runaway cart). - 11/12
This is my reading of "In the Land of Wonderful Dreams" #415. What's yours? - 12/12