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Day #409: Flip Rides on Part of a Prelossisoppsist

"In the Land of Wonderful Dreams" dated November 23, 1913:

Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (AUGUST 04, 2021):

This strip is narratively reminiscent of the earlier NY American strips in that Flip and Impie are abandoned quickly, leaving the main thrust of the strip to be their return to the group. - 1/12

This strip follows a nearly identical (now formulaic) approach. Impie tries to. Twist the dino's tail, Flip tries to stop it, they're abandoned because of their "mischief", they get into some situation that brings them crashing back. - 2/12

I really like the tier by tier panel density increase. Tier one's three panels is followed by four in tier two and five in tier three. - 3/12

I'm not sure what they actually accomplish though… My initial thought was speeding up the reading, but I don't think that's true. - 4/12

Though they shrink from tier to tier, that alone doesn't cause me to get through reading the tier that much faster (if anything, tier two is only slightly less wordy than tier one). - 5/12

That said, the visual gag of the Prelossisoppsist's back end getting tripped up in the third tier works really well. I love the spinning cloud demonstration of the tumbling! - 6/12

What is particularly upsetting is to hear that the Antediluvians have made slaves of each other… the fella inside the Prelossisoppsist costume is no different than any other Antediluvian in visual appearance… - 7/12

Does this mean that they've enslaved their own people? Furthermore, what does this mean about other dino animals that we've seen… are they Antediluvian slaves, as well? - 8/12

At the very least, this strip forces us to question the society that we've seen up until now… how much of what we've seen is "real" (beyond the obvious, "nothing; this is fiction")? - 9/12

I'll also just mention that I found Flip's comment to the Antediluvian in panel 7 particularly violent today… don't know where it came from, but I was sort of taken aback by it… - 10/12

I'm interested to hear some of your takes today, everyone. What stood out to you? - 11/12

This is my reading of "In the Land of Wonderful Dreams" #409. What's yours? - 12/12


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