"In the Land of Wonderful Dreams" dated September 15, 1912:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (JUNE 5, 2021):
This strip features another narrative borrowed from folk/fairy tales, this time "Cinderella." - 1/10
I must say that this strip is a rather large disappointment, especially following the previous installments in the series. - 2/10
Not only does it signal the return of the uninteresting page layout, but it's repetitive. Flip has stolen a magic wand before to use against Doctor Pill. - 3/10
And though it ends a bit differently (with Flip's expulsion from the ball), it really offers nothing new or interesting that hasn't been done before. - 4/10
Even the Princess' defense of Flip (a chorus that is reinforced by Cinderella's own doubts about the punishment in the final tier) is not new. - 5/10
Though she doesn't *always* defend Flip, it isn't exactly surprising when she does. - 6/10
Similarly, though Impie is (at least) allowed to be present, he is completely ignored throughout the entire strip. - 7/10
There are other things that I could discuss, but they feel very… repetitive? Like I'm retreading territory that we've covered in depth previously. - 8/10
I'll open the floor to comments from others. There is little of interest for me in this strip, but what of your readings? Do you read anything that stands out to you? - 9/10
This is my reading of "In the Land of Wonderful Dreams" #355. What’s yours? - 10/10