"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated March 05, 1911:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (MARCH 21, 2021):
Another beautiful rendering of the city kicks off today's strip in West Virginia! This time, rather than allow one child to show Nemo around, he takes the whole group onto his airship! - 1/10
Now, Flip's behaviour in this strip is (at least by contemporary standards) a bit creepy… he jokes about "stealing" the children, and provides them candy and treats to lure them on board… - 2/10
Bit of a stranger danger vibe coming off of him today… - 3/10
Now, that said, the children probably don't need any prodding to come aboard the airship (as witnessed by the mass entrance onto it). Nemo's star is obviously quite high in this American dreamscape and they're all eager to meet him and his friends! - 4/10
It doesn’t last long though; we don't see many sights of Wheeling, but assume that between panels 3-5 the airship viewed some of them. - 5/10
It's also a pretty short trip for the kids of Wheeling who are on and off the ship in those three panels (though they do get some candy, so…). - 6/10
Speaking of candy, it's pretty frustrating to see the first real *active* role that Impie has been given over the last few strips is to carry the candy (with Flip) to the children of Wheeling. - 7/10
If he were more frequently involved in these adventures, I don't think this moment would come off as poorly as it does for me. But, since he more often than not, stands around doing and saying nothing recently, this is irksome. - 8/10
Tier 3 doe show off some sightseeing as the ship makes it's way towards Cleveland, but that's about it and it serves more as a bit of a lesson about Industry than it does sightseeing. - 9/10
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #282. What's yours? - 10/10