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Day #263: Little Nemo and the Mosquito Attack

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated October 23, 1910:

Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (FEBRUARY 28, 2021):

I have two words for everyone: "Nightmare Fuel"… @Totter87, take note! haha - 1/12

This strip's conceit is pretty great. I love that Nemo wakes up convinced that there is a mosquito in his bedroom. Whether it's true or not is left up in the air. - 2/12

I say this because I wonder if the dream has caused Nemo to think there's a mosquito or whether some itchiness has caused him to dream about them. - 3/12

Either way, dreaming about a swarm of threatening mosquito's is not a fun dream… every one of our friends (at one point or another) are featured in their own panel vs. the insects… - 4/12

Panel 7 is eerily similar to strip #246… on that day, Impie was terrorized by a Martian bee… the length of the mosquito's proboscus must be extra terrifying to poor Impie. - 5/12

Interestingly, Nemo blames the event on the Captain saying that he disregarded the directions Nemo gave and took the group not to New York… but to New Jersey. - 6/12

I'll admit that I have heard rumblings about the rivalry between New York and New Jersey… mainly from "How I Met Your Mother" where the protagonist, Ted, despises NJ… - 7/12

In the show, Ted and Lily (both New Yorkers) vehemently detest all things New Jersey… Is this a common rivalry? Would it have been a thing in 1910? - 8/12

I just found it fascinating that McCay was depicting New Jersey in such a negative light… get off course from the great journey to New York and you end up in hell on earth (well, the dreamscape anyway). - 9/12

That said, as a proud New Yorker, if the rivalry was real and thriving in 1910 then I wouldn't put it past him to run with it! - 10/12

This all coming from a Canadian… American participants (especially New Yorkers/New Jersians) chime in! - 11/12

This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #263. What’s yours? - 12/12


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