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Day #261: Little Nemo Visits Niagara Falls

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated October 09, 1910:

Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (FEBRUARY 25, 2021):

I really love this strip. As a resident of Niagara Falls (albeit the Canadian side) it's really cool to be able to picture EXACTLY where Nemo and the crew would be in real life. - 1/10

The specificity of this strip is also in contrast to some of the more recent ones where we have absolutely no idea where we are (geographically). - 2/10

Having emerged from last week's strip dirty, Nemo is confident that Niagara Falls can help them clean off! - 3/10

Interestingly, he is quite forceful about it. While the Captain and Flip are very unsure about Nemo's plan, he steadfastly defends it. He is so confident that Flip even comments about it. - 4/10

We continue to see Nemo act in more grown-up ways… he's come a long way since 1905! - 5/10

While there isn't a ton going on here, McCay's ability to depict rushing water is simply brilliant. The Falls feel so alive here; he succeeds in making a static image seem dynamic. - 6/10

There is a bit of a troubling visual in panel 4. While I didn't read the soot scenes from last strip with much connection to blackface minstrelsy, Flip's depiction here is highly reminiscent of the tradition. - 7/10

It's true that, at least here, everything is a shade darker to indicate the soot and grime, but Flip's face seems to be much more heavily darkened (and the same can't be said of Nemo's face in that same panel). - 8/10

I'm not sure what the purpose was with this (or even if it was intended to visually allude to the tradition or not), so I'm eager to hear what others think. - 9/10

This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #261. What's yours? - 10/10


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