"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated March 20, 1910:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (JANUARY 27, 2021):
So… uhm… what gives here, Winsor? - 1/15
Last strip, we leave our friends in the middle of their descent on the palace and the groaning king and today we find the airship, Nemo, Flip, and Impie… going to the moon. - 2/15
This might be one of the most jarring strip-to-strip transitions that I can remember in this series so far… - 3/15
I wanted to blame it on the holiday strip… I really wanted to say "Oh, Winsor just jammed it in here because Easter was close by and didn't care that it didn't make sense." - 4/15
But, in 1910, Easter was on March 27… as in… the publishing date literally a week from the Sunday this one was released. - 5/15
That makes it strange that he published this strip this week, and not the following, anyway… it really just strikes me as odd. - 6/15
Now, as for the Moon being home to massive alien rabbits and an Easter Lilly Forest… well, at least that's original, I think! - 7/15
Flip makes mention of the childhood cliché that the moon is made of cheese, and McCay playfully subverts that on the children with something that, at least to my knowledge, is pretty novel. - 8/15
I also really like the spatial communication between tiers 2 and 3. - 9/15
As McCay has done in the past, he represents the true scale of the lillies with these long vertical panels that doesn't show the tops of the flowers. - 10/15
They certainly *seem* large in tier 2 as the airship (which we have a decent sense of scale on by this point) is engulfed by them, but it isn't until the final tier that we really get to take it all in. - 11/15
But it takes away from the alien bunnies for me. Sure, it's crazy and unexpected to see Bunnies on the moon, but… is it? Considering it's Easter… - 12/15
And then, to top it off, their enormous scale isn't a reveal because we have a really clear sense of their size in relation to the lily stalks. - 13/15
I know it's a quibble, but it felt like a bit of a let down… maybe if we'd seen some bunnies hopping through the lillies previously, it would've felt more intentional. - 14/15
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #232. What's yours? - 15/15