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Day #230: Impie's Toss and Tow

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated February 06, 1910:

Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (JANUARY 25, 2021):

This strip feels reminiscent of the early post-Jungle Island strips where Impie's mischievousness challenged even Flips! - 1/14

Here, we have Impie tossing the anchor over the airship deck, which is then swallowed by a massive whale-like creature who tows the airship backwards in the direction they'd just come. - 2/14

Clearly, this is a problem; it slows down the delivery of Dr. Pill to the King who is *still* (presumably) suffering from his gout. - 3/14

There are a few moments of genuine humour in this strip. - 4/14

The first is panel 2 when the Princess tells Flip to watch out that no one slows them down… sorry, Princess… you're a panel too late for that. - 5/14

The second occurs in panels 7 and 8 when Flip's foot gets tangled in the anchor line and he's dragged off the deck while holding onto the rails… - 6/14

There is no fear that anything bad will happen to Flip, so it's just sort of funny to see the reigning King of mischief and trouble be caught up so completely in Impie's simple transgressive act. - 7/14

The reaction of the ship is a bit unwelcome, though. I mean… they all seem to sort of overreact, no? - 8/14

The solution to the problem is easy; axe the rope. They do it with little trouble. So… maybe you could just keep a closer eye on him, rather then lock him up? Seems much more reasonable to me… - 9/14

I'll end just by saying that I absolutely *LOVE* the spatio-temporal communication that occurs between tiers one and two! - 10/14

In panel 1, Impie drops the anchor. Now, the reading patten obviously moves horizontally across the top tier; we aren't meant to know what happens to the anchor right away, just that Impie has dropped it. - 11/14 [insert image]

But, of course, iconic solidarity doesn't really make that possible; we see immediately below panel 1 that the whale has snagged it and it provides us some foresight about what is to come. - 12/14

So, we pretty much already know what trouble is coming when Flip challenges him in panel 3. It's a really great little formal flourish that makes a humorous difference (at least for me). - 13/14

This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #230. What’s yours? - 14/14


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