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Day #209: What're You Riding Now, Little Nemo?

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated October 10, 1909:

Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (JANUARY 4, 2021):

This is a bit of a lackluster strip… particularly considering it basically mimics the narrative from the last one… gun goes off accidentally, waking the beast they're standing on, knocking them over and ending while they discuss what creature it is. - 1/14

That said, it doesn't have the interesting formal elements that the last one did. It's quite simplistic in it's grid structure; the spatial layout is uninteresting. Even the final panel doesn't do the creatures size justice in my opinion. - 2/14

I was working on the assumption that the last creature they fell off of was on top of *this* creature (at least, we can assume if this strip follows the last temporally), which would make this beast gigantic. - 3/14

This reading *seems* logical (especially because, unless the ground they've landed on is particularly strange, they're on the back of *another* creature in panel 7), but it's entirely possible that there was a lapse of time between the two strips… - 4/14

…in which case they could easily have wandered onto another creature like they did last week/yesterday… whose to know for sure? - 5/14

In any case, I think the creature's scale could've been better represented… He doesn't seem nearly large enough. Sure, perspective, distance, material restrictions, yada, yada… It just falls flat for *me* personally. - 6/14

Maybe I'm just bitter that my prediction from yesterday about being done with this series was so utterly wrong… - 7/14

Other moments of interest include Doctor Pill and the Dancing Missionary losing their hats and the boys discussing leaving the two comic characters behind and continuing their journey alone. - 8/14

I am interested to see how long the hat's stay away… they're both very clear visual indicators of the characters (especially DP… whenever I think of him, I think of his massive spectacles and long red, white, and blue hat)… how long will this gag go for? - 9/14

Lastly, I find it interesting that DP is calling DM "Professor"… this is particularly confusing considering we have our own young character who has gone by "The Professor"… we have two Professors now? - 10/14

Which brings to a find that was shared earlier today on a platinum age comics Facebook group that I'm in… Check it out: - 11/14 [INSERT IMAGES]

In this little book, "The Professor" is called "Slivers"… we haven't seen him go by this name before so I'm not sure exactly where it comes from… this also isn't "written" by McCay as far as I can tell… but it is so fascinating. - 12/14

Just thought it an interesting coincidence that I saw this book today and the DM/Professor thing came up in the strip today! Thought I'd share. - 13/14

This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #209. What's yours? - 14/14


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