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Day #208: The Ozzle Bupp Appeareth

"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated October 03, 1909:

Transctipt of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (JANUARY 03, 2021):

There isn't a whole lot to this strip to be honest. IT's a fairly simplistic one that doesn't do much out of the ordinary. - 1/10

I'll make mention of the fact that the title card is presented today in it's own tier of panels… but McCay doesn't number them as part of the narrative. - 2/10

It's an odd spatial choice in my opinion (particularly because it's presented in vertical diptych with the panels below), but it serves well enough. I'm just curious about why he made the decision to add that horizontal gutter… - 3/10

Tier three features some really great visual storytelling with the background doing much of the storytelling. The foreground simply features our characters reacting to the chaos caused by the forest moving and turning sideways… they grasp for trees and tumble around. - 4/10

The second tier, a clear inciting incident, gives the strip a very formulaic feel… introduction (tier two), inciting incident (tier three), climax (panel 7), denouement (panels 8), and coda (panel 9). It follows a rigid pattern that is (at leas to me) much more noticeable then usual. - 5/10

Of course, the real excitement in the strip comes from the many creature names that Doctor Pill, The Dancing Missionary, and Flip rattle off as they try to determine what type of beast they've been unknowingly riding. - 6/10

It seems like McCay stretching his creative wings here a little bit, not just in creature creation, but also in word creation… there are some doozies in that list of names. - 7/10

The reveal of the creature is, indeed, quite something… as it bounds away form our heroes, it seems as though we've been left in that vast and empty space of creative imagination from all those weeks ago… - 8/10

This seems to me a logical place to abandon this hunting series and move onto something new (the Tabula Rasa environment sort of suggests to me that is where this is headed). I wonder where we'll go from here? - 9/10

This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #208. What's yours? - 10/10


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