"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated June 13, 1909:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (DECEMBER 11, 2020):
It would seem as if McCay has grown fond of these strips that combine a low panel count, long horizontal panel composition, and experiments with the notion of spatial retrograde/anterograde backgrounds. - 1/16
We've seen the palace being built up and torn down like a Lego set, rise up from the sands, and now shift backwards to get away from Flip and the impending antics. - 2/16
I do really love this one in particular because the background's retreat is so subtle in contrast to the uncharacteristic bravado (two weeks running now. Wow, Nemo!) that Nemo is displaying. - 3/16
As we're so caught up in the narrative, the background just slowly moves away. I don't know about you all, but I only noticed it when Flip called it out! In this way it was *wonderfully* effective and probably worked just as McCay intended for me! - 4/16
Now, the main attraction of this strip is Nemo's declaration that he intends to fight Flip… which is just… wow! Nemo is really super fed up with everything that's been going on. - 5/16
Flip starts the strip off by refusing to give up his cigar, tearing down the "No Smoking" sign and stomping on it! - 6/16
This sends Nemo into a huff! Like last strip, he displays a really uncharacteristic willingness to challenge Flip… at one point, he even says that he's "going to see who's boss around here". - 7/16
Clearly, Nemo is missing his time in Slumberland/the Palace and it would seem as though he's beginning to blame Flip for his inability to return (which… I mean… it kind of is his fault, so…). - 8/16
I also find the discussion about the Princess' tolerance of Flip's smoking as interesting! Flip says, "the Princess never objected to my seegar"… - 9/16
…to which Nemo replies, "she never did for fear you'd start trouble". To me, this indicates that Nemo and the Princess have had secret conversations/time together that we haven't seen… - 10/16
Now, I didn't do an EXHAUSTIVE search through the strips featuring the Princess, but I couldn't find her ever mentioning something to that effect… so, is Nemo making this up just to get at Flip? - 11/16
Or has there been night time adventures/night time experiences that we haven't been privy to? - 12/16
Considering the Dancing Missionary's recent direct references to the "next week" situation that the nature of Nemo as a weekly periodical created, this doesn't seem likely, but I'm not sure… - 13/16
I'll end by saying the foreshadowing that the DM brings into the penultimate panel is really great… is there going to be a fight in the next strip? Will Nemo actually follow through? - 14/16
I've got a Nemo win by knockout in 6 panels for 50 likes! Any takers? - 15/16
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #192. What's yours? - 16/16