"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated May 23, 1909:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (DECEMBER 8, 2020):
I'm not really sure what to make of this strip… - 1/10
Is the architectural detail impressive? Certainly. Is the puzzle-creation element sort of fun? Sure is! … But who are these "Boobs"? - 2/10
Are they a race of giants who have been pressed into subservience to Slumberland? That’s… uncomfortable (though so much of this strip is uncomfortable at times…). - 3/10
The way with which the Dancing Missionary (whose identity is now, seemingly, confirmed by Nemo in panel 4) treat the Boob is deplorable. He berates and chastises the poor fellow into tears. - 4/10
For a moment, I thought Nemo's conscious was becoming much more mature as he, in turn, scolds the Missionary for scolding the Boob… but, alas, it is only because his "pretty clothes" are getting wet from the Boob's tears… - 5/10
What's worse is that the sad mistreatment this poor giant endures is all but forgotten once they others have finished putting the palace together and they are dropped off… - 6/10
Without even a "goodbye" or a "thank you", Nemo is off to run into the palace! - 7/10
The thought the palace coming together like a Lego set is intriguing to me… based on the Missionary's comment in the penultimate panel, it would seem as if this is a failsafe put in place to prevent Flip's return? - 8/10
Flip's presence, even in his absence, speaks volumes here if the Slumberlandians are willing to go to such lengths to ensure he is kept out of the palace. - 9/10
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #189. What's yours? - 10/10