"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated April 04, 1909:
Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (NOVEMBER 30, 2020):
Well, you think it can't get worse… and then a character wears blackface. - 1/7
There's nothing really worth discussing here… the blackface reflects the times and the racial prejudices that surrounded the practice and it's popularity. - 2/7
It recalls Blackface Minstrelsy, but does very little to even respond to that (abhorrent) tradition… - 3/7
It does seem as if the "costume" that the three are trying to pull off is a "Mammy" caricature… indicators include the dress and the head covering, mostly. - 4/7
The costume doesn't totally match the traditional "Mammy" characteristics, but I think it's similar enough to recognize. - 5/7
Ultimately, this one disappoints… on a lot of levels. - 6/7
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #182. What's yours? - 7/7