"Little Nemo in Slumberland" dated September 20, 1908:

Transcript of Tweets by @LittleNemo1905 (NOVEMBER 2, 2020):
Another strip depicting the wanton destruction of something… this time, Nemo's family home! - 1/10
The premise is kind of interesting here… a hot air balloon (accidentally?) hooks their anchor (?) onto Nemo's home and drags it off it's foundation into the sky before the house breaks off and freefalls before smashing into a million pieces. - 2/10
After a couple of formally boring strips, I sort of like that McCay is being a little bit more intentioned with the way that the spatial design affects the narrative lately. - 3/10
Here, the regular grid works pretty well to assist in the depiction of the houses slow upwards progression. - 4/10
The moment-to-moment transitions from panel to panel work because we can see the houses below shrink in response to the upwards movement + we move past the clouds in 8/13. - 5/10
I really love panel 9. The brilliant blue of the sky and the beautiful cloudscape is mesmerizing… The flat, multicoloured backgrounds work well for this strip too, I think, for visual appeal. - 6/10
The penultimate panel is interesting… first, Nemo's mother's swooning at the crash (which, with pinpoint accuracy, ends up right where it started) was affective for me because, well, whatever else is she to do? - 7/10
Second, the smashing of the house is quite magnificent in a twisted sort of way… but I have to ask. Does anyone else see Impie in that explosion? Where did he go? - 8/10
In the end, this is a probably forgettable (though not entirely uninteresting) entry into this series. There's certainly things to like, and much whimsy about a nautical anchor on a hot air balloon, but nothing mind (or house) blowing. - 9/10
This is my reading of "Little Nemo in Slumberland" #154. What's yours? - 10/10